Monday, February 27, 2017

Goodbye Sister Johnson

Hey crew,
I know I just barely wrote a couple days ago, but....I'M BACK.
Sister Johnson is gone and I am temporarily with Sister Penrod! We came out together and I LOVE her!
Meeting Elder Renlund was... wow. He is a gentle giant. When he spoke he was very calm and gentle and then he cracks a joke out of nowhere and we all bust out laughing! Haha. It was a great experience meeting him and shaking his hand. When I shook his hand, he asked where home was and I said, "Cedar Hills, Utah." He raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, really?" I said, "Yeah!" and that was it. Haha.
I'll share some notes from the Conference.
Elder Hallstrom: 
-This is an important juncture. Have I made the decision of what kind of missionary I'm going to be? This mission is life-changing, foundational, fundamental. I will NEVER have an experience like this. Make that decision NOW.
-Make the decision to be exactly obedient, once.
Sis. Hallstrom:
-Jer. 20:9 Do we set each other on fire with the scriptures?
Sis. Renlund:
-Unless your words and your actions are in harmony, your message will be hollow.
Elder Renlund:
-He told us he loves to notice patterns and when he saw what hymns we were singing to open and close, he noticed that we don't usually sing those to open and close meetings. We sang hymn187 God Loved Us So He Sent His Son and we would close with Hymn 335 Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy. He proceeded to tell us the background of the author of the hymn, Phillip Bliss, and then tell us the background of why he wrote the song! Can you say 'walking google'?? You should look it up, but basically, we are the lower lights in a harbor. We need to keep the lower lights burning. Those we serve are those with eagar eyes. They are lost without us. Without us sharing the gospel and showing them the way to Christ. He needs us - with lower lights - to take the message of the Gospel and Atonement to those without. It is a beautiful hymn. 
-D&C 84 gives four commandments: the fourth commandment in verse 77 is to become Christ's friends. A friend makes everything known to her friend. Become as his Apostles. He is your friend! He's got your back. He is my kind wise heavenly friend. As you trust Him as a friend you will feel His love.
Stake Conference on Sunday was a whole 'nother (pardon my english) feast! Ask to read my Study Journal when I get back. ;)
I am so grateful to be a missionary for Jesus Christ. I'm trying to help people change, and in the process, I am changing. I'm so grateful for that. I don't ever want to stay stagnant. We stay stagnant when we aren't willing to make commitments (covenants) and then stay committed.
I love you. You are all my brothers and sisters in Christ. 
Sister Beardall 

Oh yeah! I am staying in Greenmount and my new companion will be Sister Tuifua from Tonga!

I stole a baby!

The Smith and Soo families
Sister Lewis and her sister, Sister Brown
The Saxons
The Road to Renlund

That girl...

Saying goodbye...

Bye Sister Ahlstrom! We came out together, but she's going home early for visa reasons...

Tears were a flowin'...
My crew.

We made sushi! 
Morning run. 
Boo yah!
Don't mess. We have the truth. 
Look at that ocean!
People dump their rubbish on the side of the road for collection so we decided to ride this chair down the hill...

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